
FunHL Stats - Now With Even More Accuracy!

(No, your eyes are not failing you - I have revised these stats about 3 times today already as explained below.)

Mild stress yesterday as CBS Sportsline had not updated the stats page. As CBS is the only site out there able (or at least willing) to show all 700+ player's stats on one, unbroken, easily "cut-and-pastable" page losing this site would put a real cramp in my stats producing abilities. Fortunately, this is no longer a problem as of this morning and hopefully we won't have any further non-Doug caused delays from here on in.

Mild stress today as both Mike and Rob notice problems with the stats. Mike noticed a big jump in the Great Whites' points from one week to the next (I had mistakenly given him all of Mr. Miettinen's points prior to promotion) but that has been corrected. Rob saw his points inexplicably drop from one week to the next. In the confusion about when his trade with Chris actually occurred, I inadvertantly benched two of his left wingers for a few weeks. Rob then pointed out that I was playing 7 defensemen for him, failing to bench Mr. Elder's +/- contribution - good on you Rob to point out errors that are actually helping you. Still, I think that is all the changes for now but please keep checking your stats and thanks for the sharp eyes so far. Now if my work would just stop interfering with my pool these mistakes wouldn't happen so often :-)

As for the race, well the lead trio of Highlanders (1st team over 500pts), Severed Heads and Bladerunners have put enough daylight between them and the next group of teams that I think we can look at them as a distinct group now (the Bladerunners are now over 9pts up on the Wolves who are themselves a little over 5pts up on the next cluster of three teams: Ramapithiciens, Personal Vendetta and Lost Boys). The Shadowmen, still very much a part of the picture, are a further 11+pts behind the Lost Boys. The Scourge and Edge are another 36+pts back and are probably having to consider whether this is going to be their year. The Great Whites are another 31+pts back and will be hard pressed to pull out of 11th and are at risk of becoming only the 2nd former champion to win a Herbivore. An unprecedented 4th Predator Cup looks very unlikely at this point of the season. The leading Herbivore contender at this point are the Knights Templar. The Knights sit over 16pts behind the 11th placed Great Whites, over 48pts back of the 10th placed Edge and a staggering 127+pts behind the leader. The Knights are not going to win this year and will be very hard pressed to avoid winning their 2nd Herbivore in three years.

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