
Quote of the Day

What's that line Vince Vaughn uses in The Break-Up? I believe it's, "You take the fun out of beating you, because you have an excuse to lose." Well, this whole story takes the fun out of cheering for this team, because they just keep finding excuses to lose. No salary cap. No Chris Pronger. Old arena. Didn't know the salary cap was going up. No one wants to play here. Rebuilding. Injuries. And on and on and on. ZZZZ. And who bails them out? The local media. If there are two constants in this city, it's that the Oilers lose hockey games, and that the media doesn't hold anyone running the team accountable for poor performance. I'm now looking forward to the "Ten straight years of missing playoffs directly related to decline in grizzly bear population" headline in 2016.

- Andy Grabia at The Battle of Alberta

Also, some excellent coverage on that blog of the ownership meltdown taking place in Edmonton. Reason #576092 it's better to be a Calgarian


  1. Umm Cam, don't know how to break this to you but you aren't a Calgarian. Not any more.

    You are a Lethbridger or Lethbridgian or whatever. Prior to that you were a Vancouverite.

    Like your hairline, smoking addiction and grip on the Predator Cup - your ties to Calgary are historical. Live in the NOW, man.

    BTW, got your card with Oliver, Haidee and you. Great picture. Thanks. Christina was wondering if Haidee knows the photographer because the shot is magical.

  2. Just because there are thousands of reasons to prefer being a Calgarian to being a Deadmontonian, there are reasons (albeit fewer) to prefer being a Vacouverite to being a Calgarian and still more reasons (actually just one - raising Oliver) to prefer being a Lethbridgian.

    But this is the part that kills me;

    "Like your hairline, smoking addiction and grip on the Predator Cup..."

    Hairline? I may be graying but the hairline hasn't budged at all!

    The photographer is a local woman named Shannon Pratt.

    Check this out;


  3. I thought there were millions of better reasons for living in Calgary over Edmonton - now we're down to mere thousands??? ;-)

  4. Am I allowed to join in the obnoxiousness?

    I think it's cute to see you guys arguing over who lives in the prettier town. Kind of like a "which trailer-park is better?" discussion.


    (And this is why the out-of-calgary division wins allstar games: we eat our own!)

  5. Richard - you live in a city lovingly referred to as 'the big smoke'.

    You are henceforth disqualified from the discussion.

    Disconnect that man's buzzer.


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