
How much did Sergei get for this?

Ten things that strike me about this video

10 Maxime Talbot, you da man. That facial hair is boy-band fabulous.

9. Gonchar dressed as an escaped extra from Miami Vice. He's feeling it.

8. You just know that all the directorial cues were related to Malkin through the translation of Gonchar. I bet $5.00 that somewhere there are outtakes where Gonchar has him saying the most hilarious off-colour things.

7. Talbot's dance moves + giggle of victory. He will never work in the NHL again.

6. Colby Armstrong's line of 'cuz of who I am'. After he said it I wanted to punch him in the face. Thats good acting!

5. What's with all the black? Doesn't anybody other than Gonchar have coloured shirts in their wardrobe?

4. Talbot's line about 'superstar like me'. Now I want to punch both of them! Really good acting. In three years Talbot has a career total of 44 points.

3. Gonchar as Bobby Big Wheel. That cracks me up the most.

2. Malkin is literally just happy to have been invited.

1. Makin ends up with the sweetest ride - for free.

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