
Bladerunners Back In First Place

Only 24 hours after relinquishing the Predator Cup lead, the Bladerunners parlayed a hat-trick from M.Hossa and points up and down their roster to vault back into first place. The Severed Heads, who had a more modest night and are still working on the week's best total, fell back to third. Ecstacy for one, dispair for the other. No, just a really, really close race.

The good news on the stats front is that I already was able to catch a mistake with the stats before being bludgened with e-mails declaring my failure. :-) Seriously, thanks to everyone for keeping me on my toes. [Update, the mistake that I had caught was still posted earlier this morning. Uggh. Its fixed now. Thanks Bob.]

In the Omnivore race this week, the Shadowmen have retaken the lead. These Omnivore stats are accurate as of today's numbers. Be aware that a lot of teams have players on the cusp of making it to their baseline (a point or two behind another player) so even one evening's game can change things - particularly for teams where the "obvious" tough guy is on the baseline bench looking to get in. I'll try to update this more frequently now that I've got everyone's possible tgs listed out.

Trade lines remain open...

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