
Week 11 Gets Underway - Stats Keeper's Eyes Bug Out

Phew. Glad that's done. The WD is like two straight weeks of Bob's trades all rolled into one day. Lots of shifting and cutting and pasting to get all the players on the right teams (and only counting those points that they get after coming on board). Still, I think I have it all done now.

Some things cropped up when I was pouring over the spreadsheets making sure that I didn't make any mistakes. I found a couple of old ones. I've lost one of Bob's points. Don't know where but between Monday morning and today, Bob has one less point. This is clearly a line-up snafu but I can't see what I did so I've given Bob the print-out of his line-ups, benchings, trades, waives, etc to see if he can figure it out. Does anyone recall if Dan ever (specifically in Week 4) benched Brodeur to play Bryzgalov? I don't think he did but, unfortunately, I had him playing both for week 4. I've gone back and benched Bryzgalov and taken away the extra pts (no resulting changes to the Week 4 Challenge Cup Game, Great Whites still beat up on the Wolves).

I've also noticed a mistake in the Challenge Cup results themselves. In Week 9 the Ramapithicines beat the Lost Boys in a close game and got 2pts for the win however I inadvertantly gave the Lost Boys one point for the tie. That point has been taken away. The current Challenge Cup standings reflect all relevant tie-breakers so the Shadowmen are in 2nd, the Ramapithicines are in 9th, etc.

The Omnivore standings have had some shifting, principally as a result of GMs using TGs from their original list that had never dressed before. This "revelation" to the baseline has hit a couple of teams.

Good WD everyone, trade lines remain open.


  1. How does the tie rule work for the Challenge cup?


  2. Another question about the omnivore calculation.


    DMan A has 5 points and 44 minutes
    Dman B has 1 point and 59 minutes

    The way the other stats work out for Defensemen, one of these will be benched, and one will play as TG.

    What's the rationale to pick the TG?

  3. Hi Richard,

    A Challenge Cup regular season game is "tied" when the teams are within 1pt of each other. Team A has 30.0pts and Team B has 29.0pts and Team A has the two points. Team A has 30.0pts and Team B has 29.01pts and it is a tie.

    As for the Omnivore baseline, the trade off is what combination (of 3 dressed LW, 3 dressed C, 3 dressed RW, 6 dressed D and 1 goalie - inclusive of 2 TGs) will get the most points had they been played, without any benchings, from the start of the season. So in your example, assume that one TG is a ppg winger with 60 pim and defensemen 1-5 all have 20+pts so the issue is just who to play in the number 6 slot - 5pts + 11 tg pts is more than 1pt + 14.75 tg pts so you play DMan A.

    The Challenge is that when you do up everyone's PIMs you find that there is, invariably, some nominal winger who is a point or two short of playing based on his points, who none the less has enough PIMs to warrant dressing on the baseline. Last year, for example, I think that S.Koivu made your baseline not only for his offense but as a TG because there were enough PIMs there to justify playing him as a TG over a pure goon, say C.Neil, not because his PIMs were higher but because the other winger you would play instead of Neil ended up getting you more points than Neil and the extra tg pts Neil generated over a guy like Koivu.

    This is a long-winded way of saying that until I actually sketch out everyone's potential baseline TGs the Omnivore standings should be looked at with some serious skepticism. As it is the most "minor" of the major awards I'm not too worried about it right now but I hope that shed some light on the topic.

  4. Doug,

    In that case, you should review the adjustment you made to the Challenge Cup scores in Week 9.

    Lost Boys: 33.50 points
    Ramapiths: 34.37 points
    difference: 0.87 points

    I should get a point for the tie (as your original graphic gave), but the Ramapithicenes should not get 2 points for a win they didn't achieve.

    Also, if you have an easy way of updating minutes and points, I'll see if I can put together a spreadsheet that generates omnivore scores with the variable TG.



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