
Saturday Night Stats

Good WD everyone.

Not a lot of time this morning so here is where we are (sort-of) after Saturday.

I say "sort-of" because Cam has noticed I was short changing him on at least one player, Gonchar. I had hoped that CBS and NHL.com will square with each other and give Gonchar both points for this week but the opposite has happened. NHL.com is now saying that he has 25pts this season - just like CBS. The same thing happened to me earlier this season when Souray had 7pim simple disappear. This sucks for Cam (and previously for me) but the NHL does, from time-to-time, change the stats retroactively. They are the official stats source not only for the pool but for all other stats providers so we are sort of stuck with their call. Has anyone else noticed any disappearing points? Did we want to do anything about Cam's?


  1. In the past if there has been a correction then the Correction stands. It only becomes an issue if the player has been traded. Sometimes corrections work in your favour and sometimes they do not.

  2. Quick Cam: trade me Gonchar! ... for Allen!

    "Yes, this is a grievous error and should be corrected in Cam's favour."




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