
WD1 & ED2008 Lottery

Hello all,

Bob tells me that the WD has been moved deeper into December. I did not see an easy way of accomodating it on my schedule when it was December 1, and December 8 puts it into the "not going to happen" range. I have a very busy month coming up, and I will likely be out of town.

The good news is I am mildly obsessive about statistics and spreadsheets, and more than happy to put one together to let the league-robot draft for me. Do we have a designated league-robot, so I can discuss what is going to be most reasonable and readable? (Bob has volunteered to verify the accuracy of the league-robot on my behalf.)

Also, when will I know who is waiving whom?

Finally--because it's not worth beating a horse unless it's dead--I would like to retool our algorithm for the ED lottery in 2008 so it reflects how many points a team finished behind first place, rather than what slot they happened to fill in the points table.

Ideally this will encourage everyone to play as best they can right up to the end of the season, and, much like the "tie" points in the Challenge cup--which the league approved in September--it will reflect occasions when two teams are extraordinary close.

I would appreciate it if this could at least be discussed by the league so I can get a feeling for what reception is like out there. My proposed formula to generate chips--I'm open to discussing it--is:

Chips = [('Team's finishing points' - 'Herbivore finishing points') / 25] + 1 , round down.

and the herbivore winner's would be: Predator winner's chips + 1.

Is there anyone strongly opposed?
Is more lobbying necessary?
Are there any other options?

Please discuss.

GM, Lost Boys.
~~The Lemmings Demand Blood~~

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