
Trade Guidelines: Rule Interpretation

Can someone please confirm the rules say that we are unable to trade things non-FUNHL related, and the only picks we can trade are Prospect Draft picks, because those are the only drafts you don't have to participate in completely.

A trade possibility has entered my vision where it would be very convenient to trade some of my WD picks as a bonus incentive to help this trade happen. I've seen this situation arise at the end of an ED ("All I have to do is promote prospects, anyone you want me to draft for you now? I'll do it for your 3rd PrD next year") and it's overlooked as far as rules are concerned.

What I have in mind would be doing a trade now, perhaps unseemingly favouring the Lost Boys. At the WD I'd use, say, my top 2 WD picks for whoever the other GM identified at that time, in exchange for their bottom 2 picks for whatever dregs I identified at the same positions at that time--right after the WD a second trade is announced, involving these 4 players, essentially "righting" the first trade. It seems to me there's no practical way for the league to stop this, especially with the draft not happening face to face. Both of us would have completed the draft as per the rules: the only evidence it might have happened would be two potentially lopsided trades on either side of the WD--and there's no rules against making stupid trades.

But, rather than viewing rules as a set of obstacles to get around on my path to glory and gloating, what's the spirit of the rules got to say with regards to this particular type of trading? I'd rather be upfront with all the GMs and show you what I'm trading than hide it over time. Even if it's "wrong"; is there any practical way of stopping me/us?

Also, we're changing the poker-chip system for next year's ED, right?

Down with Replicants!
The Lemmings Demand Blood!

GM Lost Boys

(I'm a good person, and want to be honest--I just want to win too)


  1. I can tell you that the rules are VERY specific about exactly what can be legally traded.

    However, the situation you describe can be handled by two trades - and by having a lot of trust in your trade partner.

    You make the first trade - but where you would prefer to make the second WD pick second portion of the trade, you in fact have to trust that the GM you are dealing with continue to honour the deal after they have received the goods you have on offer.

    Here's an example from the prospect draft;

    'Hey Bob, my prospect roster is full, and yours isn't, if you draft the guy I want, I'll trade you my 2nd rnd pick next year for him'.

    So Bob goes and drafts the guy I want (say Paul Stastny).

    I could in theory laugh and tell Bob 'tough break, he's yours', or change my offer to be a third round pick , etc. Bob would have no recourse to complain. That said he trusts me to keep my word, and I end up giving him my 2nd and everyone is happy.

  2. The reality is, conditional trades, that is trades which constrain a GM as to what he can do with his team, are not allowed.
    I may draft Stastny with a proposed offer to trade him to Cam, but having drafted him, I am under no obligation (good faith or otherwise) to do so.
    Cam and I cannot agree to a formal trade in which I draft someone and then am no longer free to do with him as I please eg if a better offer comes along.
    You can do the trade you suggest, but it would certainly look suspect when you culminate it with the very lopsided top 2 WD picks for bottom 2 dreg picks - you are correct there is no way for the rule to "prove" this is a violation of the rules, but it is generally preferable to find a "legal" way to do it


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