
Ramapithicine & Wolves Make Moves

Well the Ramapithicines had an 11+pt night and the Wolves a 10+pt night helping both move up the rankings. The Ramapithicines are the latest team to occupy 2nd place this week. The Highlanders have yet to be the team of the night this week but have been credible enough to retain their first place ranking though seem unable to make any ground.

The Scourge continue their good week and this time the effects are seen on the Omnivore rankings where they have now moved past the Great Whites.

Going into Friday night, the Challenge Cup games feature a couple of potential ties: the Lost Boys and Ramapithicines along with the Shadowmen and Edge. Have a great weekend everyone, and trade lines are open.


  1. Dear Ed.--

    I've noticed that the Highlanders keep a perpetual 12 point lead on the Shadowmen, irrespective of other franchises. This sort of magic creeps me out. But does it stand to reason we could sabotage one team to sink the other?

    Also, Scourge in 10th for WD1?

    --Loyal reader.

  2. I hope not... I would like to see Dan 1pt ahead of me for i get that better pick. Pick Positions are based on stats at end of this week correct?

  3. Yes Chris,

    You are correct. The standings at the end of this week will determine the draft order for the first WD, held December 8th. A fact I am painfully aware of as I manage to hold a far worse WD pick than, for example the Shadowmen, with only a fractionally better team.

    Heavy is the head that wears the crown... :-)


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