
Pronger's Antics Help Highlanders - At Least For One Night

(Short weeks are always rougher than normal so please forgive a particularly self-indulgent post this morning.)

The Highlanders and Edge are playing each other this week in the Challenge Cup. The winner will be all alone in first place. For 60 minutes in the final game of the night (Ducks and Kings) the Edge combination of Frolov and McDonald were outscoring the Highlander trio of Pronger, Visnovsky and Nagy 4-2. Then came overtime and as the final whistle blew a King forward fired a long shot at the Ducks net. Then Pronger blew and was assessed 17 minutes in penalties - 4.25pts. There will no doubt be a suspension but Prongs could use the rest. The Highlanders gain a bit of ground in the Predator Cup race as well but the highlight of my FP just pummelling up the pts let me rest easy as I turned off the tv.


  1. Press conference question:

    "GM McLachlan! GM McLachlan! You credit your surge in the standings to a 17-minute penalty assigned at the very end of the game. But losing Pronger for any prolonged stretch of time would be devastating to your supposed "3FP strategy" this year. With only 10 points between you and the second place Shadowmen, and less than 20 points between the Highlanders and the 9th place Ramapithicenes: what do you say to allegations that last year's triple-crown winners are running on fumes?"

  2. Its always easier to be leading by 10pts than down by 10pts (or say 19.37pts). The Highlanders have had some injury troubles of late but it looks like both Souray and Berard are expected back very soon so we are comfortable with the team's prospects moving forward.

    This isn't to say that we aren't willing to make some moves to improve matters but so far the trade lines have been somewhat silent.


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