
Pluses and Minuses

A couple of words on the use of the +/- option: hope and fear. The hope is that you play a player like C.Phillips and he goes +4 for 8pts, like he did last night for the Great Whites vaulting you into spitting distance of the Predator Cup lead and the best point total of any team on the week thus far. The fear is that you play a player such as B.Coburn and he goes -2 for -4pts and undermine what was otherwise a pretty reasonable week and you become even more mired in the last-placed hell that fate has deemed you worthy to occupy and you bitterly curse the whole concept of +/- players.

Not to be overlooked this week is that the Bladerunners and Edge are owners of the 2nd and 3rd best totals so far this week. With 1st to 8th separated by only 20pts, this is shaping up to be a very, very tight season.

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