
Highlanders, Lost Boys pass Bladerunners

Wow, another lead change. The Highlanders have a less bad Thursday than the Bladerunners and move back into first. The Lost Boys continue to rock and roll and find themselves in second. Half the league has over 20pts so far this week but the leader is not among them.

The Knights Templar make it a perfect 12 as every team has now crossed the 200pt threshold. Gap from first to last is only 56pts! By comparison last year at this time the gap was over 80pts and over 100 by the time WD1 rolled around. Less than 10pts separate first from 7th. Again, a year ago only 3 teams were within 10pts. Has parity come to the FunHL - stay tuned.

The Omnivore baseline has been updated for everyone (again, I have not done an exhaustive look at potential baseline toughguys so your mileage may vary).

The Knights Templar, exploiting C.Phillip's -3 week and the resulting -6pt hit on the Great White's weekly total, are poised to win their first Challenge Cup game of the season. In other potential blowouts, the Lost Boys are doubling up on the Wolves and the Severed Heads are sticking it to the Edge. Close games include the Shadowmen-Ramapithicine and Bladerunners-Personal Vendetta matches.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. WOO HOO!!

    Another ambition pronounced, and held! Wooo! Wooo!

    I'm telling you people, top four teams: ALL POSTED THEIR LINE UPS! It is not coincidence.


    GM of the Lost Boys and self-pronounced genius Richard Birt announced today that he may have been a bit hasty in condemning the Bladerunners.

    "It seems Bladerunners, although they might fight replicants, and might love replicants, are not in fact closed-case replicants. As such, we in the Lost Boys, welcome our new friends--now in third place, almost a whole point behind us--the Bladerunners, in our league-wide fight against replicant hockey players.

    "The Lost Boys will continue to lead this fight in the NHL by bidding on might-be-real RW Selanne, and replacing the almost-certainly-fake RW Walker."

    Mr. Walker, currently recuperating in the gastronomic-surgery-with-a-hockey-skate ward of Durham General hospital could not be reached for comment.

  2. By the way, the next goal is #1, with at least a 5 point lead, for 2 weeks... but we don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

    As for choice taunts for the Highlanders... well... c'mon, that's like shooting fish in a barrel, or sheep in a brothel, as the case may be. We don't stoop to such lows.




  3. Damn, where did those two come from?????


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