
The Wolves - Offseason Review

L: Kunitz-Ana RFA, Hecht-Buf RFA, Vrbata-Chi, RFA, Parise-NJ P4, Calder-LA P3

Rating: 2.5

Kunitz is an undersized scoring winger recently removed from the college ranks where he had some success. Last season he was something of a surprise as he earned a spot next on the top-line, but with Selanne departing and the checking likely to be tighter, a drop off is expected. Hecht is a marginal checking winger comfortable in the 40pt range - so he's just filler, and while Vrbata has some skill, he hasn't shown the ability to avoid injury or a willingness to go to the scary places to score goals. Parise is a legit threat to go over a ppg after an awesome sophomore season, and a path has been cleared for him to get time on the top line. Calder is a third line energy grinder type who could be useful in spurts.

C: Comrie-NYI RFA, Lang-Chi RFA, Brule-Clb P3, Kopitar-P3, Stastny-Col P2, Toewes-Chi P2

Rating: 4

Comrie is a one-dimensional offensive specialist running out of chances. The Islanders will be the last stop before he heads to Europe. Lang is also a player with severe limitations playing out the string as top line centre for a team that is rebuilding. So the Wolves have a couple of aging vets with the possibility of some upside, but the real weapons at this position are the teams prospects. Brule was rushed to the Bluejackets because of a lack of depth, and his development was slowed as a result. He's got ppg talent if he can keep his vicious temper in check long enough to fulfill it - may end up like Tuomo Ruutu. Stastny would have been a strong ROY candidate in a year without Malkin, and he'll be groomed as the Av's replacement for Sakic. Kopitar is a big strapping pivot with terrific playmaking abilities. If he hadn't worn down over the course of his rookie year, he could have finished with similar stats to Stastny. As good as Stastny and Kopitar are and are going to be, Toewes has the potential to be even better. All in all enough weapons lying around that despite the lack of an elite pivot, centre is a definite strength.

R: Kobasew-Bos P3, Wheeler-Phx P3

Rating: 1

Kobasew is one of those undersized college wingers who managed to score a bucket of goals at the previous level but now finds them much harder to come by. Lacking any other ability, Kobasew is now a fringe forward. Wheeler was a massive fleet footed winger drafted years ago and expected to be in the league by now. Despite prodigious talents at the highschool level and an NHL sized frame, he simply hasn't put all the tools into the toolbox yet. I'm betting he probably won't.

D: Niedermayer-Ana FP, Keith-Chi RFA, Klesla-Clb RFA, Colaiacovo-Tor P4, Suter-Nsh P4, Eminger-Wsh P3, Phaneuf-Cgy P3

Rating: 2.5

Niedermayer has now won every award you can possibly win and as of this writing is the HOFr is seriously contemplating retirement. Keith is one of the Chicago youth core, and a jump in production from his 30pts last year isn't out of the question as he and the team mature together. Klesla is a once highly regarded prospect whose production never equaled the gifts (size, skating, shot) he possesses. Colaicovo has seen his promising career as an offensive defenseman is continually derailed by injury. Suter is the opposite of Colaiacovo in that he's been able to stay reasonably healthy and put up meaningful points as he develops his game. With the departure of Timmonen he'll get handed the reigns of the powerplay sooner or later. Eminger is another contrast as he spent his sophomore year doing everything but work the powerplay. Is the exile permanent? Phaneuf is the ace in the hole, giving the Wolves a solid TG and top pair defender. With Keenan as his coach he'll be pushed to find his limits.

G: Luongo-Vcr FP, Bryzgalov-Ana RFA

Rating: 5

Luongo is poised to assume the mantle of Brodeur and Roy as best goalie in the world who just happens to be from Quebec. Bryzgalov may well have talent to start, but neither the Wolves nor the Ducks will risk giving him the chance - nor should they.

Overall: 15

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