
Things before the ED

Things I'd like to discuss:

- Can we file lineups for this coming year on the Blog?
- Can we review and if needed come up with a better system for the ED Lottery? (Doesn't need to be solved then and there, just before the next ED Lottery.)

Clarify: When does a GM have to announce prospect drops? FP drops?

And, Lundqvist for FP is hardly easy trading material. Bob doesn't get FPs for their investment appreciation.


  1. RE:

    - filing lineups on the blog:

    Works for me, but the stats keeper is the one who has to give the thumbs up/down on it.

    - review lottery mechanics

    Works for me, but I guarantee there is no way you'll get 100% consensus on changing anything for this year, but its a conversation worth having.

    - FP Drops and Prospect drops

    FP drops have to be announced prior to the start of the draft (usually immediately prior).

    Prospect drops are announced immediately before the prospect draft commences.

    - Lundqvist as FP

    I spoke with Bob last night prior to finishing the post and that was the name he gave me. For the record, it's one I agree with as Lundqvist has had two straight 100+pt seasons as a goaltender and is only 25 years old.

  2. Well, Kiefer is Watching, as my draft list says.

    I haven't actively discussed it with Bob, I find my own FPs stressful enough. I just don't see Lundqvist as an easy sell in a trade... goalies are simply too valuable, and Lundqvist too heavy an investment (Why would you have an FP who you keep benched?)

    Well, I may be proven wrong yet. As I can't imagine anyone defending our current system as the best possible, I don't see why change is unlikely. But that's how I feel about electoral reform too (some days) and they keep proving me wrong on that one.


  3. I concur for the most part...

    Filing lineups on the blog is likely a no-go as it adds another layer of potential confusion and complexity for the statskeeper

    (BTW - Who is that this year? Doug? I plan on signing the pool up on an online service for unofficial tracking for the fun of it, but it looks doubtful thay can accurately reflect our complex goalie stats)

    FP drops are indeed announced prior to the start of the ED - a precarious position for those drafting late, but a necessity so all available players are made available at the draft start

    Prospect drops can be made up to but no later than the start of the PrD. As I recall (I hope correctly) I think we decided last year that all prospect drops must be announced prior to the start of the PrD, and that once it begins, you cannot decide to drop additional prospects as it is unfair to those picking ahead of that belated drop. Regardless, each team can only have a max of 8 prospects entering (and leaving) the PrD

    Lottery reform - see seperate post

    Lundqvist as FP - as a GM who has been the longest proponent of a good goalie as the cornerstone to a good team AND the longest proponent of a goalie FP, I'd have to concur on this selection. The challenge for Bob will be whether he drops 2 FPs (I'm pretty sure he will now that Sakic has been traded).

    Why is that an issue? Because he has Ryan Whitney as an RFA, and if he matches on Whitney with his first (or 2nd if 2 FP's dropped)then Whitney automatically becomes an FP - which is probably what he intends anyway...

    The biggest challenge - what to do if someone bids on Whitney before Bob picks in the first round...


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