
The Shadowmen - Offseason Review

L: Ruutu-Chi RFA, Skille-Chi P2

Rating: 1.5

Ruutu is a gritty winger with excellent offensive skills and a near permanent residency in the emergency ward. Like someone who insists on off-roading in their Porsche. His team-mate Skille has similar proclivities for tossing himself into the danger zones, but unlike Ruutu he does have a power forward frame. As a rookie with lots of talent ahead of him, Skille will be brought along slowly.

C: Sakic-Col FP, Boyd-Cgy P2

Rating: 2.5

Sakic may be long in the tooth, but it isn't showing on the score sheet where he continues to defy logic and put himself in the top ten scoring. Boyd is a scrappy but highly skilled pivot. He's got Keenan as a coach now, but should be the kind of gritty gunner Iron Mike will give minutes too.

R: None

Rating: 0

D: Jovanovski-Phx FP, Ryan Whitney-Pit RFA, Pitkanen-Edm RFA, Kraijcek-Vcr P4

Rating: 2.5

Jovo-cop is among the most frustrating players in the league. A robust swashbuckler of a defenseman, he is as renowned for his daring offensive forays as he is for his game crippling brain cramps. When healthy and focussed he can be an elite offensive performer, but he didn't end up in Phoenix because he stayed focussed and injury free. Too risky to build a team around, he's overdue for being cut as a franchise player. Whitney is the prototype for the modern NHL defenseman. At 6'4", 215 he's a swift skating power defender with a rocket for a shot and crisp passing. He's shown steady improvement and already ranks among the top ten in defensemen scoring. Oh yeah, he also has a pair of offensive juggernauts to play catch with on the powerplay. Jovo-Cops heir apparent. Pitkanen is an ultra-smooth skating rearguard with above average agility and shooting abilities. He's struggled with injuries, but is due for a rebound. Kraijcek has all the tools to be a top four defender, but somehow manages not crack the Vancouver lineup for any length of time. He'll get another shot again this year.

G: Roloson-Edm RFA

Rating: 1.5

The career backup is only a starter because he plays for Edmonton. The Oilers are still paying back the Karma for Messier (let alone Gretzky), so their suckitude is likely to be off the charts for years to come. Roloson will be a key part of that.

Overall Rating: 8

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