
The Knights Templar - Offseason Review

L: Naslund-Vcr FP, Hartnell-Pha RFA, Upshall-Pha P3, Vanek-Buf P3, Latendresse-Mtl P2

Rating: 3.5

Naz is a once elite skill winger dealing with the loss of an All-star linemate and his own eroding skill-set. Are his descending numbers more the result of the former or the latter? Are they an aberration he'll correct, or the first signs of his inevitable decline? Hartnell is a tough grinding winger with average offense, and has apparently already reached his ceiling as a 3rd line winger. Upshall is a similar style player, enough offense to stick, but destined for an energy line. Vanek is the guy who will really make a difference, as he has the wheels and shot to earn his massive contract. Latendresse is now the prize of the KT LW prospects, having the size and scoring abilities to be a top line player. He's a big dude, and they can take longer to reach their potential.

C: H.Sedin-Vcr RFA, Langkow-Cgy RFA, Ribeiro-Dal RFA, O'Sullivan-LA P3

Rating: 2.5

'Hank' Sedin showed why he was the third player picked in his draft year and notched his first ppg+ season. He can do it again, but the KTs will have to match the offer for his services first - and he won't come cheap this time. Langkow also maxed out his potential after a long wait, and while it doesn't hurt that he lines up with Iginla I haven't the faith he can duplicate last years results. Ribeiro is a pure skill pivot who is as streaky as a compulsive nudist college student with a keg of beer in him. Typically tops out before he gets near sixty points. O'Sullivan is part of the talent trust that LA is building. He'll be groomed slowly, but an eventual top six forward spot is his to claim and he'll have draftable numbers next year.

R: Hejduk-Col FP, Neil-Ott RFA, Radulov-Nsh P2

Rating: 3.5

Hejduk is in much the same boat as Naz, he's a deadly pure-skill sniper, but he's lost some elite talent around him, and he's also taken a step back from his normal statistics. Will he rebound? Neil is a burly robust thumper of a winger with under-rated shot and playmaking abilities. Knows his role on the team, and won't confuse himself for a gunner. Awesome TG weapon when he's rolling. The speedy Radulov is ready to challenge for a bigger role - he's Paul Kariya with a 6ft 1 chassis.

D: Clark-Col RFA, Modry-LA RFA, Aucoin-Cgy RFA, Beauchemin-Ana RFA, Kronwall-Det P4, Weber-Nsh P3

Rating: 2

Rating: Clark is a beneficiary of injuries to the skill players on the Av blue-line. With a few more healthy bodies he'll be returned to his regularly scheduled defensive duties. Modry will also be in tough as LA now has a swarm of healthy offensive options including some rookies they will want to give extra attention to. Aucoin is a $4M a year turnstile - take a good look, it's what Sheldon Souray will look like in a few years. Beachemin has the advantage of playing with Niedermayer and Pronger and the result was a career season. With Niedermayer gone, his stats could even conceivably improve with more powerplay time. Kronwall has been flashing his potential in spurts for years, but this may finally be the season he stays healthy enough to put up real numbers. Weber emerged from the blue as an all-round blue-liner with surprising offensive abilities. Expect him to be a fixture on the Knights blue-line for the next few years.

G: Toivonen-Bos P3

Rating: 1

When Raycroft went busto the Bruins tried handing the job to Toivonen, without much success. Now they have others they are grooming for the job. Will make a nice living in Europe.

Overall rating: 12.5


  1. Radulov is a LW - makes the LW look even more sickingly good doesn't it??

    [Cam - did you get the recent master I sent out with the position changes?]

  2. Hey Brian - yes I did, but I didn't import it into the spreadsheet I'm using. A few errors here and there (all position changes I didn't catch) is the result.


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