

What is the weather like this week? (What kind of coat should I bring?)

And what are known cash expenses? (Bob speculates $30 pool fee, $20 meal fee, and $10 poker buy in)


  1. Hey Richard,

    Pool - $20
    Food - $20
    Poker - $20
    Miscellaneous costs - $40 (a beer run? 2nd poker buy in? Tip for your cab?)

    $100 should have you easily covered and leave you with some to spare assuming you don't go all in with a pair of 4's on the very first hand.

    As for the weather...we've had a snowfall in the last week, but it looks unlikely to be repeated. At most a sweater with a light jacket would be necessary.

  2. mmmm....beer. When i start drinking the crown at 10am will i be alone :)

  3. The hard stuff flows for me as well.

  4. Well the pool is $20, lunch is $20, poker is probably something like a $10 or $20 buy in with a re-buy. Don't forget we haven't counted dinner in that (pizza?)...


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