
Am I a cool kid yet?

Bob tells me he has confirmed his move back to the city to happen in late October. Cameron has relocated provinces, Doug is in a new house, and I think Corey sent out a change of address as well.

I too have a new place now, (more downtown, and bigger... for much more money is the trade, but no room-mates) so... two more teams on the list and this becomes moving season for the FUNHL (or... is this just something the Out-of-Calgary conference does?)

Anyway, with me and Bob having 2 bedrooms in Toronto, I'd like to submit a bid for our hosting a waiver draft in 2008. (I figure that's a lot less initial work... show that we're up for hosting ED 2010) Should we book a weekend? :-)


(I promise I'll start working on my list soon... Bob can confirm that I've been procrastinating--but talking about it--for a month now, so any day...)


  1. The post would make a lot more sense if it read "Bob and I both having 2-bedrooms" sloppy editing.

  2. A flight to TO for the weekend might work for the Wolves both in budget and time.

  3. Wolves would still love to host the ED for the 20th anniversary of the pool in NS.

    September is lovely for a week vacation in NS for those with significant others or if you have not visited at all. Caroline is willing to host the spouses on Draft day.

    A pilgrimage to the birth place of hockey in Windsor NS would be a must on draft day if we could not even run the draft on site (weather and communications permitting).

  4. I am in for a trip to TO this November or next Feb for a waiver draft. Which were you guys thinking? Dibs on the room furthest from Bob's snoring (ha ha). The 20th ED in Nova Scotia also sounds good although if my significant other's name at the time is still "work" then I won't be bringing her along.

  5. Funny, I had always thought the Highlanders hosted the waiver draft. You all just seem to attend online :-)

  6. How much room do you have at the new house to host us in person? And how much Flames paraphenilia can we bring into the house with us??

  7. Rob: When is Year 20 for the FUNHL?

    Brian: Depending on the room-mate situation, I will at least have a sofa and an air-mattress. That makes two people at my place. If there are work-permit problems for my would-be room-mate I may have a whole extra bed. Bob will have to speak for his place.

    Doug: I get booted from MSN chat so often at the WDs I'm only certain the WD hasn't been happening at my place. ;-)


  8. Alas, I would be hosting a waiver draft with Richard in TO IF you guys want to come out, that would be fun, if not, MSN time again. Nevertheless, I would look forward to having all of you to come out for the anchor draft rather than waiver draft. But that might be too much planning. Nevertheless, I figure the draft would be interesting if some people could come out to Toronto. Richard, good idea.


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