
He's Going Home, The Russian Is Going Home!

Yashin Returns To Play In Russia

In a tip of the hat to the call of the Philadelphia Flyers - Central Red Army game of January 11, 1976. The Cold War era Super Series "exhibition" pitted the dominant Red Army team, who entered the game undefeated against NHL opponents on that tour, against the defending two-time Stanley Cup Champion Flyers. Ed Van Impe had just layed out Valery Kharlamov, arguably one of the greatest players to play the game, with a hard/vicious body check. When no penalty was called, after Kharlamov laid on the ice for over a minute, the Russian coach took his players off the ice and refused to continue playing the game. NHL President Clarence Campbell explained that if they did not return, they would not be paid - for the whole series - they did return. The Broad Street Bullies dispatched Red Army, in the putative "World Championship" game, 4-1.

Anyhow, it looks like Alexei is also only going to come back to the NHL if someone shows him the money, which no one is willing to do, so good bye. Good luck. Good riddance.

1 comment:

  1. Once he realizes how much life sucks in Russia, he could join Daigle on a roller hockey team in L.A. To be fair - the guy should be sent to Siberia to do hard labor as compensation for years of laziness.


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