
Belated Father's Day Post

I found an occasionally hilarious sports blog called '100% Injury Rate', that had this priceless recap of illegitimate children fathered by athletes.

Even better than the article though are some of the comments;

"larry johnson gets extra points for rolling up to his paternity suit in a limo and sweatpants"
- butterteam

"The best part about Gary Payton is that his illegitimate kid is named "Gary Payton, Jr." so that when his wife (or whatever) had a kid, and he wanted a junior, he couldn't do it without major confusion, so he named his legitimate kid "Gary Payton II."

True story."
- ME Foreman

"I don't know how many of them were actually "illegitimate" but former Montreal Canadiens goaltender George Vezina had 22 children."
- Anonymous

"Vezina had 22 kids? Maybe that's why they named a trophy after him."
- Colin

"Bill James (the baseball statistics God - CH)would not approve of such a simple "statistic" as total number of illegitimate kids. I propose an illegitimate paternity slugging percentage as follows:

(#bastards with hot women) -
(#bastards with ugly women)
#bastards + #legitimate kids

Even Mormons can have a lot of legitimate kids with ugly women and that shouldn't count for much. It's the number of bastards with hot women that really distinguishes the alpha guys."
- Anonymous

"How did Bennie Blades not make this list? Six kids, six women. And what about Rod "He Hate Me" Smart? Five for five. Apparently, he also hates contraception."

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