
Trading up ED Picks

I decided to make this a new post. How about this as a solution.

Between the period of slot selection and the ED draft start two GMs can exchange picks inside of a round. IE first for first or second for a second. And only for the first two rounds. This trade has to be done prior to the ED draft starting so that it does not interfere with the draft itself.

League credibility is protected by everybody still having a pick in each round. This does allow those wanting to maximize the chances on getting a solid FP by being able to trade up from the mid rounds or move up in the second round if doing a daring Double FP Swap.

EG Do to the unexpected possibility of Neidermeyers retirement my late first round pick would not garnish me a significant FP. While I am pursuing some FP trades it would be somewhat easier to provide some additional asset to be able to move up half a dozen places.


  1. I also keep bringing up this concept of being able to trade your first rd pick for another first rd pick never being able to hold more than 1 pick.

  2. Oh No! Whine! Whine! Rob, trade your prospects for a better FP - LIKE Sakic...Bringing back ED trading is a move into the past dark ages of our history and I am 100% against it. Rob, btw, Neids won't retire this year -> he is considering his career. He'll be back.

  3. This is not full open ED trading. I agree we have been there and done that and it does not work. But since you can only trade with in a round and only the first two rounds there is know way anybody can stock up like before. All this does is give everybody opportunity to draft a high quality FP if they need to when they need to.

    Chris, I am sorry I missed this aspect in a previous proposal.

  4. Rob, read my comments on the last post. There are several GMs who maybe looking for new FPs including me, but I loathe the day when we sacrifice the ED to fight the future - perhaps, ironic to hear that from me, but maybe I'm learning too, having swapped FPs, every year we started in 1996. I look at the prospects on your team, trade for JovoCop or Sakic if you don't think you can find your guy at 10th. I think I could regardless.

  5. Bob you are not sacrificing your future. You are trying to move up from number 8 to number 3 in the first round. The other guy moves from 3 to 8 and gets a prospect or some RFA's for the difference. You cannot trade between years or between rounds.

  6. I still think this line of thinking is dangerous for the pool. EG, take your rule for this year, which we couldn't b/c you wouldn't 12/12 or even 9/12 in favour....But just say we could and Mike {1}, Doug (2) and Brian (3) hold a ED raffle for say 3 GMs needing new FPs, say me(6), Chris (9) and you (10)...Don't you this sort of auction could be potentially dangerous to league harmony and fairness? The ED trading showed us the power and corruption of the dark side. It interferes with the very point of having a weighted lottery and perhaps distubs the draft that much more!

  7. I guess that depends on the what you value the improvement. Currently the top 3 picks are about 100 points not including goaltenders. The bottom of the top 10 (not FP) is still in the high eighties so we are only talking a 15 to 20 point drop at most for the current season for the GM moving down. If the cost is too high why make the trade.

    I also realize that this may not be in place for this year but I think it could still be good for the pool.

  8. Ugggh.

    I understand the frustration, but really am resistant to the idea of trading ED picks (even within a round).

    If you don't feel that you can get a replacement FP from your own prospect and RFA lists, trade for one. No, it isn't easy, but it is possible.

    I have the 2nd overall pick. A good location to pick a replacement FP. I might be inclined to trade one of Pronger or Thornton, if the price is right, for a lesser or waivable FP to select someone else. If this was next season, I would be willing to do the same from a far, far lower draft slot because I intend to promote S.Crosby next year.

  9. I'm not sure what to say, because apparently I have good "up-and-coming" FPs.

    Otherwise I'd be sorely tempted to try and trade a bad FP with Doug and see how good his offer actually is. I think that's the solution Chris & Rob: barter with the Doug, or the Bob.

    (It seems to me I could go in swinging with a 'crazy' offer like "Kovalchuk for Pronger" but don't really want to get stuck with a yes.)


  10. Ugggh is right.

    Getting rid of ED pick trading was easily the best thing we ever did in this pool, and I for one am strongly against revisiting that cesspool, even under restrictive terms and conditions.

    I agree trading for an elite FP can be tough, but it has been done many times. As Doug points out, he will likely trade an FP to make room for Crosby as the next Highlander FP, and having Pronger or Thornton isn't shabby.

    More to the point, we DO allow trading of prospect picks, and if you want to groom the next superstar (see: Crosby, Malkin, Tavares...) you can always trade up. If you guess wrong, and pick the prospect bust rather than boom, tough luck.

    Besides, not counting prospects (since we all have equal opportunity to develop the best ones we can) there are plenty of picks that would be excellent FPs anywhere in the 1st round. Finding 10 elite non-FP players draftable in the 1st round isn't that hard...


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