
Petition to Save Doan

Go sign the petition showing our disgust with parliament at


1 comment:

  1. "This is not, then, merely a matter of grandstanding politicians poking their nose into matters that don’t concern them. Nor is the injustice here that of condemning Mr. Doan for something he may or may not have said. It is the attempt, on the part of the Bloc Québécois and their friends, to claim for French Canadians the status of racial victims. And it is the craven capitulation of the other parties in the face of this crude emotional blackmail." - Andrew Coyne

    Doan did his talking on the ice with a hat-trick yesterday against Belarus.

    In the wake of his goalscoring, and Bob Nicholson's (rambling, aimless, overly emotional, but still effective) defense of Doan at parliament, the PQ politicians who launched this ill-advised and self aggrandizing stunt have all (sort of) apologized.

    Truly sickening - but ultimately a tempest in a teapot.


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