
Lost Boys Update

Hello everyone.

First: Congratulations Cam.

Second: Where things are now.

At the end of February, my pretty cool job at the bank came to an end. The department had successfully restructured, and that meant the work I was doing was no longer desired. And though they wished they could keep me what they really wanted was another senior analyst. I am many things, but qualified to be a senior analyst for a bank is not one of them (yet.)

The day my job came to an end... well... give her credit. The Monday after my job ended Jennie broke up with me. Two things to learn: 1) Ouch, cold. Try have more heart than that. 2) It wouldn't have worked. She was a fundamentalist, and things were just going to get messier for us.

And then of course, autopilot turned out to be a fiasco for the Lost Boys, and we finished much lower in the ranks than I had planned, or common sense would suggest. Highlight of the season: I drafted Bieksa.

Still, there is always next season. Plenty of RFAs yet to go.

But, two months unemployed will absolutely savage your wallet, and that is what happened to mine. So my initial savings for Europe vanished as basic grunt jobs failed to come through for me. (I, apparently, have a great drunken rant about employment agencies, and how their economy seems to be based on fairy dust... or is a front for the Genevan mob. Swiss goalies.)

So, the good news is that this all seems to be coming to an end, and I can re-emerge from my desperate state to enjoy watching Ottawa lose the cup. I have two job offers that seem to be bearing fruit--knock on wood--and will give me enough stability to keep going. Not only that, job offers that seem to be lined up with my overall plans and goals.

So, when I get one, I'll let you all know. By the way... these jobs... rock.

Until then, consider which of your RFAs you're willing to trade me. As far as I'm concerned, it's not possible to have too many.

When do we know draft order?

GM of the Lost Boys.


Dum spiro, spero.
While I breathe, I hope.

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