
Hockey Vids

My predictions for who will be the best FUNHL players from the upcoming NHL ED:

1- Voracek
The explosive Halifax winger is reminiscent of Hossa. Let's hope its Marion and not Marcel. If I'm Chicago or Philadelphia and have the top pick, he's the guy I want.

2- Cherepanov

Has everything but break-away speed.

3- Kane

Gets compared to Daniel Briere. Which means if you wait on him till his late 20's you too can reap the rewards of having him waived through the league (not to mention several years in Phoenix).

4 - Vanriemsdyk

RJ Umberger part II. However, this draft class is very week, he's the only player of above average size AND skating ability in the top 5, his likely position is as a wing player, and there is a solid chance he'll end up on a not so crapola team because the players ahead of him are more proven off, so he is intriguing. Bonus points for having a last name that is A: Dutch, and B: sure to generate a replacement nickname from Bob for all media and trade negotiations. Something like Van Dyke Rammer'.

5- Turis

I've seen his name mentioned everywhere from 1-10. Undeniable skills, but is he Todd White?

6- Gagner

Is even less defensively aware than ex-linemate Robbie Schremp. Add a year or two to his development curve unless the team that takes him is absolutely desperate for offense.

7- Esposito

Voracek simply made him his bitch in head to head matchups. Didn't crack Canada's Jr squad. Got compared to Alexander Daigle...That all said, he may be the closest thing to a franchise player talent in the draft.

8 - Couture

If I'm lucky he's Ales Hemsky. Whoo-pee.


Another waterbug in the mold of Gionta or Gomez, so expect New Jersey to be one of the teams that sniffs at him as players with his pedigree tend to slip and get snatched up by Lamouriello (also see: Parise). Guys like this also tend to get seasoned in College for a year or more, so you might want to pass on him depending on the team that takes him.

10- Alzner

If I were an NHL GM with the top pick, I'd see if I could make a profit by moving out of first and dropping down to #4 or #5 where I would select Alzner. He's the top rated D-man in the draft, and while he isn't sexy (i.e. he doesn't have obvious offensive mega-stardom in his future), he is still a probable top 4 guy. The kind you win with in the real world. That said, as a FUNHL GM he's all but radioactive to me. Still, he's got better upside than Chris Phillips ever did so someone will take him. As a top 4 defenseman in the NHL he'll be good enough to draft somewhere in the FUNHL - but it may just be as a 5-6 filler guy.

11. Sutter.

If I can't have Voracek, Cherepanov, or move down to take Alzner I'd see if someone at the 10-11 spot is desperate to move up, and slide back to take Brandon Sutter. He's 6'3" and he's the son of Brent - perhaps best remembered as the one Sutter brother with well above average offense, but the facts are that his own offense was less than awesome for a draft year. Needs seasoning. Outside possibility he slips all the way down to Calgary.

Me? Well the Severed Heads with the first pick overall (thanks Colin!) will be taking this guy.
(And if I couldn't have him, I'd take this guy).


Here's a great video recap of some of the best shoot out goals.

And another collection that purports to be the top 10 all-time.

Mario (and just because he is that ridiculous, some more Mario) and Jagr both make the list. As it should be.

Anyone other than Bob (who insisted I find a copy) else catch this gold medal winning example of 'fear my wingspan' from Rick Nash at the World Championships?!?!? AWESOME

Here's the thing, as much as I love Nash, he's not someone I could endorse as a SeveredHeads FP until he picks up his assist totals. But ohmygoodness does that man light the lamp in a pleasing way.

Thanks for all congratulations and well-wishes regarding Oliver, and my best of luck to Richard in the battle of the sexes. Haidee, Oliver and I are moving to Lethbridge in the coming few weeks and there is a very good chance I can make it to Calgary one night mid-week as part of my business trip (it's equally possible I will be confined to the Hotel and forced to endure the horror that is extended socializing with my co-workers, but if Wednesday night works for everyone...I'll see what I can do)

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