
So Now What?

The Flames' Stanley Cup parade will have to be rescheduled, again, but up the highway we are wishing our team been able to play two playoff games too. Still, the Oiler's demise was clear for a while but the Flames (following a very solid road-trip near the end of the season) looked like they had slayed their road demons only to discover that, like a bad horror flick, that they weren't quite dead afterall.
Bob, to anyone that will listen, is calling for Playfair's head but I predict (and have a coke-bet with Bob on this point) that Playfair will be back on the Flames' bench calling the shots come October. Playfair only did what Suter himself did last season - lose in the first round - so you can hardly fire him for that. Still, the Iginla/Kipprusoff window may be closing quickly and they need to get it done soon.
Chris Drury may be the best option for the Flames if they can pry him free from the dozen or so teams (including the Sabers) who feel he is the answer to all of their problems. Iginla needs a real center and Conroy never was the guy. They also need to re-sandpaper up. McLennon can only be counted on for 18 seconds every few games and they need more than that come crunch time. I know that Edmonton is targeting S.Hartnel but he would be a good fit in Calgary as well.


  1. Drury I do not think will even concider Calgary as an option after his disappointing time here before. I also think he will be two expensive for the flames budget. Same with Ryan Smyth

    I would offer Roenick a heavily performance laden contract and tell he to go and have fun.

    Comrie could be an interesting pick up that would fit the Flames budget. He has worked out well in his new roll in Ottawa as a second/third centre and is certainly good for a few timely goals.

    Actually though the Flames biggest need is a faceoff man. The Flames were pitiful against detroit in that category.

  2. Drury for the reasons given is not coming to Calgary (I wouldn't bet against Detroit as his eventual destination though), and Smyth would be almost as heretical as having Steve Smith and Grant Fuhr wear Flames jerseys (wait, that actually happened?).

    Roenick is done. He's slow, old, and can't take a hit or score. Move on to the booth for a career as colour man already.

    Comrie is going to stay in Ottawa - he's found a coach who will let him be what he really is - a support scoring #2 centre. Plus, he's going to win a Cup with them this year.

    I'd trade Huselius (his value couldn't be higher) for whatever package of picks/prospects we can get our hands on (could we hijack Peter Mueller from Phoenix? Probably not, but could we at least try?).

    With Leland Irving coming up the pipe, and Kipper's contract about to expire, (and Flames fans will cry 'heresy!' for me saying this) but could we get;

    - Mike Richards and Joni Pitkanen?


    - Jeff Carter and Claude Giroux?

    If so, I'd say 'do it'.

    And then I'd still trade Huselius.


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