
Personal Vendetta, Severed Heads Cross 900pt Mark

The Highlanders extended their leads in both the Predator Cup and Omnivore races last night as the Bladerunners' +/- gamble sputtered a bit in the first big test. Truthfully things looked very good for them earlier in the evening before Colorado came back against the Flames but even had the early Calgary lead held, the Bladerunners would have still lost ground to a strong Highlander performance on Tuesday. I've included a comparison of the pts the Bladerunners would get this week had they dressed the same line-up for points instead of +/- as I think it's worth asking the what if.

The Highlanders' gained on the Scourge in the Omnivore as well with all but 3 of their 16pt night coming by way of trades. By contrast, only one of the Scourge's points, Rafalski's, came from players not already on the Scourge baseline. Dan commented a couple of days ago that the current Omnivore calculations seem to have done a good job of reflecting what we were attempting to do with the Award and the Highlander's +90pt standings may be a good example. This will likely be one of the lowest ever Omnivore totals ever (with only the 2002 Wolves' sub +70pt win being lower) but that was to be expected following this summer's changes to include prospects onto the baseline. For a comparison, had we not made the changes this season, the Highlanders (with Crosby and Dipietro no longer on the baseline) would have an Omnivore total of +172.8pts, challenging last year's total for the Dogs (+178) as the third highest in Omnivore history and the highest since the elimination of ED pick trading.

There were no position changes since Monday's stats even with the large number of games played last night but both the Personal Vendetta and Severed Heads should be congratulated for crossing the 900pt mark. The unofficial stats as of Tuesday night's games are as follows:

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