
Should the NHL Ban Head Shots?

We've all seen the replay, a talented guy makes a play and has his head down when it should be up. Que the trainwreck hit that leaves talented guy destroyed. First they get rendered unconscious, but even after they recover their senses they have dizziness, nausea, puking, and crippling migraines to look forward to.

In Drury's case Chris Neil lowered the boom (in this case, a shoulder) right to the point of Drury's chin. Out went Drury.

The hit, for it's part is within the rules. Neil may have been guilty of late timing (for which I would have tagged him for), but otherwise the hit is fine.

Lots of media attention follows, much of it centred on the question in the header, should we ban hits to the head?

IMO - No and Yes.

No, because not all hits to the head are created equal. When Lindros was obliterated by Scott Stevens in the playoffs, he too hit Lindros with a clean check. The fact is both Drury and Lindros could have avoided their fates by having their heads up. In each case they were hammered for their lack of attention.

Did Neil and Stevens intend to injure? For sure. Every time you throw a check you are attempting to injure, you just want to do so within the rules.

Going all Bertuzzi on someone? Bad. Very Bad.

Throwing a solid shoulder check into an opposing player? To me, that is still Good.

In contrast to Stevens and Neil, consider Messier, someone who had no problem head hunting. I'm sure there is YouTube video somewhere of Jamie Macoun trying to get back to the Flames bench after he was cold-cocked by a Messier elbow. It's sickening to watch him struggle with his balance, as he repeatedly falls on the way back to the bench.

Recognize villainy where it is, not where it is perceived to be. Let's make elbows to the head a 10 min automatic.

As for the shoulder and hip checks that cause concussions?

- Keep your head up.

The elbows and hits from behind that cause concussions?

- Suspensions and fines to start, and worse if it continues.


  1. And the punishment continues...

    Tomas Kaberle

  2. All players hitting Highlanders in the head, so long as they are not also Highlanders, should be shot.


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