
Revenge of the Scourge

Yesterday the week looked to be owned by the Edge. They continue to have the league's best week so far but the Scourge responded to the challenge in a big way last night gaining more points in one evening than the Bladerunners have gotten all week (15pts as opposed to 13.5pts). The fine evening by the Scourge also vaulted them back into first place in the Omnivore standings, a unique back-to-back accomplishment for the rookie GM. The Edge are looking more and more destined to join the Barbarians and Severed Heads as two-time Herbivore "winners".

The Highlanders and Bladerunners continue to feel each other out. Neither team has been able to put together a solid, across the board evening which has resulted in a rather timid game in the Challenge Cup and a slow crawl in the Predator Cup race. The Highlanders have had a great showing from FP J.Thornton (who is now challengeing fellow Highlander S.Crosby for the scoring title) but Crosby, among others, have been very quiet so far this week. The Bladerunners must be feeling some doubts about the coaching decisions that went into this week. Two benchings (Cheechoo for Recchi and Kiprusoff for Guiguere) are starting to look like big mistakes. So far Cheechoo and Kiprusoff have tallied over 12 pts but they have remained on the bench, in contrast Recchi and Giguere have only 0.5pts this week. Given that the gap between the Bladerunners and the Highlanders is under 18pts, that is a huge number of points to have left on the table.

Going into Friday's action, the unofficial stats are as follows:

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