
Highlanders press advantage across the board

Selanne, Crosby and Pronger combined for 10 pts on route to a 12pt evening for the Highlanders which may go a long way to cementing their position in all three awards. The Bladerunners had a solid 7pts last night but again left points on the table in Minnesota as Jerome Iginla's hat trick was not able to help the Bladerunners out. Just as with last week, had the Bladerunners dressed Iginla and Kipprusoff this week instead of Williams and Giguere, they would have an additional 4.5pts. Not enough to make much of a dent in the Predator Cup standings perhaps but enough to keep the Challenge Cup game close. As it stands now, the Highlanders hold a 30pt lead in the Predator Cup, a 6+pt lead in the Challenge Cup and (thanks mostly to thier Ducks, especially Selanne - who is on the Scourge baseline) an impressive 11pt lead in the Omnivore standings. Things are certainly falling into place for the Highlanders but the Challenge Cup is far from decided and the Omnivore could, again, turn around on a weekend.

Speaking of Omnivore baselines, picking up on an observation Chris made, the Wolves and Highlanders are now the only teams with +1000pt baselines however it is the Wolves who must be most disappointed. The Wolves went from drafting the best team in the league, 1004+pt baseline, to sitting in fourth place some 168pts out of first and over 93pts down from their starting point. That said, with FPs Niedermayer and Luongo and prospect stars Kopitar, Stastny and Phaneuf the future looks very promising for the Wolves for years to come.

Going into Friday night's games, here are your unofficial stats:

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