
FUNHL News and Notes

From way back at our first FP draft in 96-97 (a full ten years), there are six franchise players taken that are still franchise players; Jagr, Brodeur, Forsberg, Lidstrom, Sakic and Sundin.

All of the above FP's have been involved in Predator Cup Victories (though I may have to double check that claim for Sakic...).

Except Mats Sundin.

Of the original FP's selected the following are still being drafted by the FUNHL;

Kariya, Tkachuk, Lindros (though we might have just seen his last game as a legit draftee in the FUNHL), Shanahan, Fedorov, Osgood, Ozolinsh, Hamrlik, and Zubov.

Not bad really, Kariya is still rolling along at a PPG and is a legit 1st line winger. Tkachuk is still capable of elite spurts where he is both scoring and gooning it up. Ditto Shanahan, who appeared to be in full renaissance as a goal-scorer until he get hurt. Fedorov is all but done. Finally. Osgood is still hanging around as solid back-up guy who won't rock the boat. Hamrlik is extending his career by playing for Sutter, but isn't a high end threat anymore. Zubov is still a powerplay mainstay and top tier defender for the Stars, though injuries rob him of more and more time.

Some of the busts;

Jim Carey is by far the worst player taken in 96-97. Maybe ever.

Roman Hamrlik? I guess at the time it made sense. Petr Nedved? Only because he had a fluke position change to LW.

According to Severed Heads record keeping (we know for sure he was with the team from 1977-98 on, and we are fairly certain he arrived on the team at the 1996-97 trade deadline injured, and did not play much if at all in 96-97 for the Heads) Jagr is currently the SEVERED HEADS all-time leader in the following categories;

Games: 677, Goals: 349, Assists: 534; and Points: 883

Brodeur's numbers for the Great Whites are equally, if not more ridiculous. I hope Dan can one day parse out what the numbers look like what with all those movements in goaltender calculations.

The Wolves have been climbing in the standings thanks to the acquisition of Paul Stastny. Now that Anze Kopitar is back, he could move even further up the food chain and catch the Shadowmen for 4th.

The Great Whites appear to be a solid bet to finish third no matter what. They are too far from the leaders to close the gap, but also too far ahead to get caught. The GM has placed the team into cruise control now that the playoffs are over with.

The Edge are looking more and more like Herbivore favourites. If Havlat can move back into elite gear he might still catch the rookie Scourge. A plus minus desperation gamble in the last weeks is not out of the question.

Wow do the Flames unexpectedly suck on the road. If I knew why, I'd say so, but it's getting freakish.

How bout them 'Nucks!? Henrik Sedin is taking a run at the teams assists in a season record (he has 58 and the record is 62 by Boudrias). Henrik could end up with the record and yet still only barely register double digit goals (he has 10 and is pacing to finish the year with...11).

As much as Sundin may be in for being dumped as an FP, is their any question that Sakic has held off the dishonour of being dumped from his long term contract for another season?

Dwayne Roloson / Goaltending Stats Suck: Update: 79.36

Yup, the 19th ranked goaltender in terms of GAA, and with a losing record (25-30-6), is nevertheless 15th overall in terms of NHL scoring.

If we still had 3.5 in place, he'd be 48.36.

I'm just saying.

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