
Big Night for Highlanders/Scourge

Saturday night the Highlanders finally managed to put together a solid night. As a result, they now holding a ten point lead on the Bladerunners this week going into Sunday's action and are in a great position to win game one of the Challenge Cup final. Just as importantly, they have increased their margin in the Predator Cup race to over 23pts. It is the largest lead anyone has had on the Bladerunners all year. Is it enough to declare the race over, absolutely not - but it gives the Highlanders a bit of breathing space. With Pronger, Kaberle and Gagne now all back from injury the Highlanders' prospects look much rosier than they did a couple of weeks ago.

At the other end of the Predator Cup table, the Scourge continued to put together an impressive response to the early week strength of the Edge. The Scourge now sport a 40pt week, best in the pool though the Edge are second best at 37, and now hold a comfortable 29pt lead on last place. The Herbivore looks very much like it will be won for the second time by the Edge. The only bad news for the Scourge was that they slipped a bit in the Omnivore race as the Highlanders retook the lead. Its still very close but the rookie is a fraction of a point away from that goal.

Going into Sunday's action, the unofficial standings are as follows:

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