
Unpacking the latest trade

To the Highlanders: To the Great Whites:
LW Clowe SJ -----> LW Roberts Fla
RW Gaborik Min -----> RW Boyes Bos
C Bergeron Bos -----> C Fedorov Cbs
D F. Kaberle Car -----> D Morris Phx RFA
P1 Boyd Cgy (unpromoted) -----> P1 Kessel Bos (unpromoted)
Great Whites 1st PrD 07 -----> Highlanders 1st PrD 07

the active ingredients here are Gaborik and Bergeron. Gabby will load up the RW for the Highlanders, while Nylander can now be safely placed on the bench (he will inevitably get hurt) because Bergeron is a more than legit replacement. The other active ingredients (at least for the Great Whites) are the exchange of picks (Highlander's get slight win) and the exchange of prospects (slight win for the Great Whites).

Ignore the Morris, Clowe, Boyes, Fedorov components, they are essentially meaningless pieces moved around to make the deal work (actually, I don't get the inclusion of the defensemen at all - something else other than points was the motivation there). The really interesting part of the deal is;

Boyd for Kessel. Both are P1s, both are pivots with high expectations, but Boyd has less offensive pedigree and lot more grit, while Kessel just survived a cancer scare and has head case issues. If your scoring your trades at home, I'd give the 'win' on this to the Highlanders. They got several good pieces (Gaborik, Bergeron) for an exchange of prospects and an improvement on his draft situation.

Meanwhile, the Great Whites seem to have developed a fetish for Bruins...

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