
Scourge Pass Edge, Bladerunners Extend Lead

At both ends of the table, the race is certainly on. The Bladerunners are on their way to a massive week already potting over 52pts with many key players still set to dress for Sunday's games. They have not built an impressive 14pt lead on the Highlanders and with news that D.Hasek may be injured (who the Kilted Ones had hoped would solve thier goaltending woes) seem certain to keep pulling away. At the other end of the standings, the Scourge continue thier strong showing this week by not only making up the 5 pt gap on the Edge but creating a 6 pt gap of their own as they blow past the Edge and into 11th place. The Scourge also become the third team in the Omnivore to post a double digit positive score, things are certainly getting much better for the rookie GM and his charges while the Edge and their fans must be wondering what are they doing wrong. Stay tuned on both fronts, the race is not over yet.

In the Challenge Cup all eyes are focused on a few matches. Most importantly, the Great Whites holding a 6pt lead on the Highlanders. If they can hold on to win they (and the Personal Vendetta and Wolves who are also leading in their games) can still hope for that final playoff spot. If the Highlanders can find a way to shut the door (which it appears the Shadowmen and Severed Heads are doing in their games) then the playoff picture will be much, much clearer. Again, stay tuned.

Here are the stats after Saturday night:

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