
FUNHL News and Notes: Stretch Drive

The trade between the Highlanders and Shadowmen was the sound of the other shoe dropping. With the Bladerunners loading up on Severed Heads players for the stretch drive, it left the Highlanders with only a few potential dance partners, especially when it comes to goaltending. Hasek and Pronger are exactly the right answers for how the team needs to respond for the stretch drive.

Here are 6 trades (involving all 12 teams!) you might see in the next few weeks:


---> Scourge: Afinogenov-R Buf
---> Ramapithicines: Hemsky-R RFA

Why? Hemsky gives the knuckledraggers a decent RFA for next year, and Afinogenov gives the Scourge a weapon to escape last place at modest cost (i.e. without giving up the likely first overall 1st rnd prd pick).


---> Edge: Visnovsky-D LA, Liles-D Col
---> Lost Boys: Perry-R Ana P2, Malik-NYR RFA, Witt-NYI RFA

Why? Collin deals futures to stay out of last place, Richard scoops up a forward prospect with upside. illustrates the pools 2nd oldest trade dynamic - a trade not to win, but to avoid losing.

Trade 3:

---> Knights Templar: Briere-C Buf, McCabe-D Tor
---> Personal Vendetta: Sedin.H-Vcr RFA, Weber-D Nsh P2

The Knights made a legendary plummet from the gates of heaven to the very depths of hell (think Gandalf vs the Balrog) going from 3rd to last place in a mere 6 weeks. Having been consigned to the flames once, he will be in a hurry to avoid being so again. Expect Briere to finally pop loose because Darrell won't be helping either of the front runners with this deal, and Mike will likely beg, whine, plead and otherwise slavishly polish Darrell's knob till it happens.

Trade 4:

---> Great Whites: Arnott-C Nsh, Kariya-L Nsh
---> Shadowmen: Nash-L Clb RFA, Perreault-C Phx

The GW's are on the bubble for busting their season and they know it. This deal gives them some upgraded offense without costing much in the way of futures.

Trade 5:

---> Highlanders: Giguere-G Ana
---> Wolves: Kessel-C Bos P1

If the Highlanders are insistent on relying on Hasek the rest of the way, Giguere for Kessel gives them a backup they can trust at modest cost, if they can get a RW too, they'd be thrilled.

Trade 6:

---> Severed Heads: Staal-C Car P3
---> Bladerunners: Spezza-C Ott, Havlat-Chi

Spezza has a way superior ppg to Staal, and with the Highlanders making moves the Bladerunners can't stay still.

1 comment:

  1. Cam is right in one respect:

    The Lost Boys are not planning on finishing the season with any of Avery, Liles or Visnovsky.

    Avery's new Ranger status makes that easier, as will Liles imminent return. (What kind of unholy deal lets you to stop playing for two months and still be in the top 20 Ds?)

    But who will I trade with?

    (Taking offers... now taking offers...)



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