
The Final Dash Begins; Omnivore Controversy

Hi Everyone,

There was only one game last night but it has taken me almost the whole day to crank out the stats as so many teams' rosters bear only a passing resemblance to the teams they had prior to the WD. I am exagerating of course but suffice it to say, post-WD weeks the statsisticians are earning their keep - thanks in advance to Darrell who doesn't get enough credit for the fantastic work he has done for years now.

With the Detroit-Rangers game the only one on last night you wouldn't think there would be much change in the stats - and you are right - however Brian pointed out an error I was making in calculating the Omnivore baselines: the Shadowmen's post-draft trades of Pominville and Volchenkov to the Ramapithicines and Edge, respectively. The last pick in the PrD was Volchenkov, by the Shadowmen. He is promptly traded to the Edge. No team can exit the PrD with more than eight prospects and both the Edge and Ramapithicines finish draft day with nine, therefore those trades must have occured following the prospect draft and thus both players belong on the Shadowmen baseline - even though they weren't on the team long enough to receive their T-shirts.

The impact of Volchenkov is almost non-existant (a one pt difference at this point) however Pominville does play on the Shadowmen baseline ahead of Bernier and Rucinsky plays on the Ramapithicine baseline now instead of Pominville. This does change the Omnivore standings for both teams by about 20pts. Those changes are reflected in the stats below.

Thanks Brian for catching this for me; Bob, now you know who to thank as well.

Here are the stats following Monday's action:


  1. I glad any error was caught. I wouldn't want to win an award I didn't deserve.

  2. Bob's nobility aside, I will take any award I can get, and encourage further clerical errors... but in my favour.



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