
Stats Through Thursday Night

Nice night for the Great Whites, thank you Mr. Marleau – again with the 3 point night. The Personal Vendetta’s fall appears to have ended as they pull themselves out of 11th and ahead of the Edge. The Scourge are still making ground on both!

The game with the most potential standings implications is the Wolves-Bladerunners game, which the Bladerunners are currently leading. If the score holds up (and the Great Whites and Lost Boys continue to hold their leads in their games (against the Personal Vendetta and Severed Heads, respectively) then there will be a three-way tie for fifth place and a real race for the playoffs following the All-Star game.

The Bladerunners, having a very solid week, have consolidated their lead atop the Omnivore standings. Note that half the league is now either positive or better than -10pts. If the trend continues more than half the league could be positive by season’s end.

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