
My girlfriend is cool!

Well... if Brian gets to post regarding Pizza I get to talk about the coolest woman in Toronto.

Anyone who's done their reading of the loony blogosphere is well aware of the conspiracy by atheists and sexual deviants to corrupt the school system, overthrow good old-fashioned moral values and generally ruin the Christian US of A.

Until now I had thought this was worth a good laugh. My experience with atheists is they are prone to arguing, and not exactly "cohesive." I had always figured organized religion was a much greater threat to social stability because it was, you know, organized.

Well, then I met Jennie and her social group, and have been proven entirely wrong. The atheists are organized, and they are out to upset stable conservative society. They've had the prayer taken out of graduation at U of T. (Apparently we don't owe obtaining our degree to the grace of God anymore.) They write letters to the editor, crash "multi-faith" gatherings, and have decided that publicly funded Catholic education in Ontario is going down... constitutional guarantee nothing.

Read all about it... and donate! (Apparently their magazine is going national, so you could even write.)

But yes, it turns out I was mistaken: the atheists are organized.



  1. Well I am sure for the GM of the Severed Heads, this would constitute preaching to the choir (assuming atheists have a choir!) - No doubt he will be pleased to hear you have found such a clear thinker. If she's equally active in bed as on the religio-political front, sounds like a keeper ;-)

  2. You have my permission to continue dating this woman.


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