
Lost Boys Have Huge Night, Bladerunners Retake Lead

The Highlanders take a double hit last night as the Bladerunners squeeze out a couple more points and retake the Predator Cup lead while the Lost Boys dish out a big helping of whup ass in their Challenge Cup match with the Kilted Ones. The Bladerunners' recapture of the top spot is not so great a surprise, all of the top teams are very closely bunched but the early performance of the Lost Boys is very impressive. In yesterday's post I suggested that the Lost Boys had a big job ahead of them to take the tie-breaker from the Highlanders - they needed to win by over 25pts! Two nights into the week and they alreay have a 9pt lead in the game - wow - they may be well on their way to taking that tie-breaker.

While the Bladerunners are no doubt thrilled to be back in first place in the Predator Cup race, they are in tight in their Challenge Cup match against the last-placed Scourge. A game to watch for sure. Someone should wake up the Great Whites and the Edge, the two teams with the lowest totals so far this week are playing each other this week but someone apparently failed to inform them :-)

Still very early in Week 14, keep posted and keep posting.


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