
Highlanders Continue to Stink Up the Joint

Not much change in the standings after a quiet night in the NHL, still the Highlanders getting pounded motif established earlier in the week continues to hold. Here's hoping, selfishly, for a big night this evening to try and turn this disaster of a week around.


  1. Someone's gotta say it...

    Today, Week 14:

    Difference from 1st to 4th place: ~14 points.

    Difference from 5th to 6th place: ~14 points

    Difference from 6th to 7th place:
    ~14 points

    Difference from 7th to 8th place: ~14 points

    Difference from 10th to 9th place: ~14 points

    Difference from 12th to 3rd place:
    10 positions, ~140 points.

    Average number of points accumulated so far this week:
    ~14 points

    Number of weeks remaining in the NHL regular season schedule:

    Sum of the numbers in today's date, when written bank style:
    01042007 = 14

    Pretty cool...


  2. And, the last factoid, which in no way ties in to 14, but is pretty cool:

    Scourge Score + 38 = ~ PV Score
    + 38 again = ~ LB Score
    + 38 again = ~ Wolves Score
    + 38 again = ~ Bladerunners Score


  3. Richard, you are now - officially - freaking me out.



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