
Highlanders, Bladerunners hit 600+pts, Severed Heads jump to 5th

The Highlanders, with a league-leading 51pt week, join the Bladerunners as the first two teams to hit 600pts. In doing so, the Highlanders extend their lead atop the Predator Cup standings and appear poised to pull out a close-fought victory in their Challenge Cup match with the Scourge, who had the league's second highest total for the week. Further down the table, the Knights Templar cross the 500pt level and are on the verge of winning thier game with the Great Whites.

While all week the Wolves and Ramapithicines had been exchanging positions, it was a strong Saturday night that helped the Severed Heads pass both and take posession of 5th spot in the Predator Cup race.

With only a Wild-Blackhawks tilt this evening, these standings should remain fairly stable now but who knows how much more damage the Havlat led Severed Heads can exact. Until then, these are the unofficial stats:

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