
Unofficial Stats, Pre-Christmas Edition

I appear to have lost the long, detailed post that was to accompany this but suffice it to say that the Bladerunners continue to lead in the Predator Cup and are now in sole posession of the Challenge Cup lead. The Shadowmen still have a huge lead in the Omnivore.

I have updated the stats to reflect Darrell's official week 11 stats and other than, once again (sorry man, don't know why this keeps happening) missing about a half-dozen of Collin's points my stats were pretty close. Collin's totals have been correctly adjusted upwards and, fortunately, there were no changes to last week's Challenge Cup results.

Merry Christmas everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, the post was not lost but has found its way to a couple of posts down. Strange stuff. Anyhow, have a good break everyone.


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