

I stubbed my toe on this during my sporadic wading in the shallow end of the internet;

"We took turns taking shots at each other with a tennis ball, using an editorial writer’s glass wall as a goal. We enlisted our colleagues in a fantasy hockey league. We did everything we could to make them want to switch the channel on the office TV set from the U.C.L.A. Bruins, or the U.S.C. Trojans, or “Caddyshack,” to the big game between the Winnipeg Jets and the Hartford Whalers.

We had some modest success. But there were a few skeptics. Like Steve, who loudly declared to the office that he was the Antipuck. But even he began to crack. He started quoting lines from the movie “Slap Shot,” talking about “feeling shame” and “putting on the foil.” Once he even announced a Luc Robitaille goal to the newsroom by placing his hands around his mouth to recreate the voice of Darth Vader: “LUUUUUC,” he intoned. “Come to the dark side, LUUUUUUUUC.” There was hope for the Antipuck."

The rest is good, but 'The Antipuck' totally rules.

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