
Severed Head Freefall Continues

One of the stories to watch this week has been the collapse of the Severed Heads. With Spezza's injury and Kiprusoff's suspect play of late the Severed Heads, who had been on the verge of cracking the top 4 for weeks, have fallen back from the leaders and, of perhaps greater concern, been passed by the surging Wolves. As of last night, the Ramapithicines too passed the Heads in the Predator Cup standings. The Heads still have a shot at salvaging a Challenge Cup win however as their meager 14+pt week, worst in the pool, is still only a quarter point back of the Personal Vendetta's total for the week, the 2nd worst in the pool.

The pack atop the Predator Cup standings has really tightened with only 6pts separating first from fourth and less than 2pts separating second from fourth. Saturday night, as always, will determine most games this week.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed the 'Heads tailspin is remarkable, made all the more so perhaps for the lack of trade movement on the part of management to repair the damage. Speculation is rampant over the source of the slide, but one has to wonder if the "Curse of the Ring" has claimed another victim.

    Alternatively, there may be another curse in the making, hidden beneath the surface of the curse of the ring, that of impending (or established) parenthood. Perhaps offspring are as toxic to a successful franchise as marital bliss? (At least until they are old enough to be drafted ;-)

    As usual, time will tell...


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