
Press: Lost Boys demand punditry!

Seeing how we're now in the count-down to the Waiver Draft I have questions, and want opinions. While I'm happy to see just opinions on anything, specific topics to stimulate said opinions:

1) Best/Worst Trade so far.
2) Biggest player disappointment.
3) Predictions as to who had the best ED.
4) Best RFA.
5) Predictions on the WD.
6) Actual Hockey League thoughts

My opining:

1) I'm pretty bad and only pay attention to my own trades. I kick myself for not getting Barnaby in week 2, when he was cheap. The Prucha-Carter trade was horrific. And I think getting Brind'Amour was pretty sweet.

2) It starts with "Z" and ends with "etterberg" and has fewer points than the top 40 Ds. And was drafted in the 2nd round. (More justification for my "Draft Heavy on D in the first 4 rounds strategy. By the way, Schneider, Visnovsky, Gonchar... all top 20 Ds... though all traded away at this time. Next year I'm going to hang onto them longer.)

3) No comment at this time. Clearly it wasn't Bob, since he has a positive omnivore score.

4) No comment at this time.

5) No comment at this time.

6) I notice the Leafs do better when I'm not paying attention to Hockey. I can reliably tune in and watch them lose game after game after game. It seems to me, that if this is the case, I should start avidly following a team whose fortunes I want to see plummet. Thus practicing a reverse-psychology karma trick. Fear my gaze Pittsburgh...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Richard - nice post!

    1 - Personally, the two trades I thought were the most lopsided were the Pronger for Marleau deal between Dan and Bob, and the Selanne trade between Chris and Doug. Worth noting that I was completely wrong about which team the first trade was lopsided in favour of - I had Dan cleaning Bob's clock in that deal, but the reverse has been true. Perhaps Chris will get lucky on the Selanne front...

    2 - Kiprusoff's October was pretty dissapointing, but it wasn't unexpected (he did it last year too). Joe Thornton's game is far below his MVP level of last year - so that's gotta suck. Datsyuk though was a first rnd pick who is now so far behind his expected performance that he could go down as the worst 1st rnder from this year. Also brutal considering where they were picked have been; Simon Gagne, Daniel Sedin, Daniel Alfreddson, and Todd Bertuzzi.

    3 - The best ED was probably Brian or myself.

    4 - Best RFA so far has been Rod Brind'Amour or Sheldon Souray, with Frolov getting some love as well. Neither of the first two should have half as many points as they do.

    5 - It will be fun

    6 - See my upcoming posting...


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