
LBs Ridiculous Xmas Challenge: Update

Finalist contenders at the moment:

"Personal Vendetta - V for Vendetta"

Not a lot of explanation... but the best of the obvious choices I didn't think of... 1 beer owed.

"how about: Ramapithicines - One Million Years B.C.(Raquel Welch ;-) "

Kudos for adding a movie with babe factor.

"BR: Raiders of the Last Ark? no wait, The Empire Strikes back... no ... what other movie was Ford in that might better relate to my team?"

"GW: Shark Tale? Haven't seen but I heard its pretty scary ;-)"

"EDG: The Edge good for namesake, or you can see a worse movie called Cliff Hanger. Collin's team sometimes leaves all of us wondering right? Except the injury gods who know ahead of time."

"SH: The Scarlet Pimpernel. Did anybody else other than me have to watch this in Social Studies unit on the French Revolution. The guy tried to save lives... I really don't know how this relates to the team, but couldn't think of anything else except Friday the 13th or Jason Lives."

One beer owed for making me laugh in the office. Yes, I think I'll be referring to the Heads as "The Pimpernel's" from a while now. I think that GW nomination may take it; I was thinking more "finding Nemo."

Well, he gets the beer for the "acidity" factor. Yikes... whole damn thing is pretty funny though. ("They saw the light... once" getting extra points.) Yeah competition for best Ramapithicenes is pretty tight. Go read Rob's post!

The Pimpernel:
What can I say? Bob told me they never made any sequels to the Highlander Movie. I think it kind of breaks the rules to nominate movies that don't exist. ;-)

"The Ramapithicines: Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon. Classic Bogey films built old-school, from the goaltender out."

Certainly gets the nod for classiest nomination.

"The Lost Boys: 'Near Dark' was a vampire flick that had some real juice to it (including half the cast of 'Aliens'), but despite some promise the film ran out of steam in the third act."

Ouch. Damn powers of prophecy. Beer for Cameron.

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