
FUNHL News and Notes

Class act retires:

Joe Nieuwendyk has hung up his spurs after recieving the news that his back injury not only wasn't improving, but could get much worse if he keeps playing. His career went under the radar in a lot of ways (playing in Calgary will do that), but his three cups with three teams (Cgy, Dal, NJ), Calder Trophy, 50+goal rookie season, 560 career goals and Conn Smythe trophy with Dallas will get him into the Hall - eventually. Before then, he should see his jersey number join that of Vernon and MacInnis decorating the Saddledown rafters.

Out on a limb:

Crosby and Malkin will not be enough to get the Pens into the playoffs.

Lots of talk, no action

Did anyone else notice that the meeting between the GMs didn't produce a change in the schedule despite massive bitching from all quarters, and an apparent willingness on the part of the league to reach an accomodation? The problem was that each GM had different and frequently contradictory thoughts on what should be done. Look for an adjustment next year that sees each team play every other at least once. That will assuage all the Western Conference teams who feel cheated at not getting Crosby, Ovechkin or Jagr at their rinks. Outside of that, all bets are off.

Going, going....

Dec 20 will be the drop dead deadline for the Penguins existence. If the casino deal with Capris is approved (where they agree to also build the new arena), the Pens will stay. If not, odds are very heavy they will leave. ESPN columnist EJ Hradek (see my 'EJ Hradek is an idiot' post below) thinks that the Penssylvania legislature will want to do a deal in the event the casino arrangement falls through. So far, he's the only pundit I can locate who thinks so. Worse (if you are a Pens fan), it looks like the casino/arena deal is the weakest of the three bids that the state is considering. Time to start mentally preparing for Crosby in a different uniform....(Go Go Kitchener Penguins!)

Off topic

I watched the Phoenix Suns dismantle the Sacremento Kings the other night. In the first quarter alone Nash had nine assists. Not the garbage assists that come from making a decent pass to a hot shooter, no, these were surgically precise strikes (coming from either hand) that all lead directly to easy dunks, layups and wide-open threes. The Suns had 41 pts in the opening quarter with Nash simply shredding the Kings D at will. He and the Suns would cruise easily to the finish line, and Stevie ended the game with a shocking 20 dimes. The only bad news is that Raja Bell failed to extend his streak of scoring 4 or more 3 pointers in a game from 5. The league record was six.

Ovechkin + Kovalchuk + Malkin

As John Buccigross suggests, this would be one of the most highly anticipated line combos at the upcoming All-Star game in Dallas. Two outrageouly talented gunners and a slick playmaker with the head and wheels to set them up. Wicked. Does anyone else think the Russians just need a goalie to re-make themselves as an international superpower in hockey?

Hockey Blogs!

First, there is this excellent Vancouver heavy site called Canucks Corner, by Tom Benjamin.
Then we have journalist James Myrtle's blog.
For a greater fantasy hockey perspective, I present to you Doctor Hockey.
Last but not least, my favourite hockey journalist Eric Duhatschek now has his own blog with the Globe and Mail.

Big Mouth Strikes Again

Brett Hull is apparently going to work with NBC as a hockey commentator and TV personality. Good call all around, though Hull will have to watch that he doesn't let his waistline balloon to the point he can't sit in the studio chairs provided. But hey, if Charles Barkley can find a chair to sit in, the newly girth enhanced Hull should have no problems.

A Pain in the....

Flyers D-man/pylon Mike Rathje has a career threatening nerve injury in his back that causes extreme pain in his 'lower right buttock'. Word is the glacial defender unsuited to the new NHL's emphasis on speed (and more especially the crackdown on hooking/holding etc that was previously his bread and butter) will likely retire and give the hapless Flyers some much needed cap room.

Tough Cuts

The Bladerunners are making Sean Avery available at the WD. Avery (as a goon) is well over a ppg - but he is behind Gagne, Straka and Sullivan on the Bladerunners depth chart. Gagne by points would be the best choice, Straka by history, but it will be Avery based on the fact that his toughness is more easily replaced than the offense of the other three.

The other interesting situation to watch is the Highlanders. Blessed with an abundance of D-men they have chosen to protect freakishly hot 'Ride Me Big Sheldon' Souray over 1st rnd pick Zetterberg. He also chose to protect his own 2nd rnd match Jay Bouwmeester despite the Panther's lack of substantive production. Unwilling to admit that the match was ill-advised and cut bait on big Jay via trade, the Highlanders are instead cutting two of each winger to make things work.

Death of a Sniper?

With Hitchcock's arrival in Columbus the early speculation is that he will wreak the same havok on Rick Nash's career stats line that he did to Mike Modano's - turn a precociously gifted 50 goal talent into a 30 goal two-way player. Whoopee-freaking-do. Sorry, but I just don't see Hitchcock being a positive for the Bluejackets. Hitch is an OLD school, grind it out, trap religiously, never-take-a-risk-offensively coach. He at least gave the nod to the Flyers brass that aquiring Derian Hatcher was a good thing despite the fact he is even slower and less agile than the injured Rathje. In other words, he is the anti-Christ as far as coaching styles for the new NHL, and his first victim will no doubt be the teams lone mega-talent. I weep for Nash.

Waive Goodbye

John LeClair, once one of the league's most fearsome powerforwards (especially when psychically linked to playmaker Lindros), is now a shell of his former self, and like the American born powerforward Kevin Stevens before him, his exit from the game is not going as might be hoped. Reduced to a 4th line role on a very young and shallow team, he has nowhere to go but down. When waived by the Pens a week ago, he easily cleared. If he is brought back up any team that claims him only has to do so at half his current contract (while the other half would be paid by the Pens) - but here's the thing - nobody will take him at even half the price - so realistically, it's over. Nice watching you play John.

Brett, Mike, Mess and Dave

Hull, Vernon, Andreychuk and Messier have all just had or are about to have their jersey's retired. Well done boys, well done. The bigger question is still; does Mike Vernon belong in the Hall of Fame or not? The other three will likely get there (Mess and Hull right away, Dave eventually), but Vernon isn't a mortal lock by any means, despite a Conn Smythe, two cups and a boatload of wins, Vernon's career simply lacks that certain something (mostly media exposure in large markets) to be similarily ratified.

Where is the Love?

What does Jagr have to do to get consideration for the Hart? He drags his team to the top of the heap despite a rookie goaltender last year, tortures goalies for the entire season by scoring 50+, and only loses the stats hardware (Art Ross, Richard) on the last week of the season due to a fluke offensive outburst from Thornton/Cheechoo - and for his efforts he loses the Hart to Thornton as well. Now, all the pundits gush about Hossa this, and Crosby that, while once again, Jagr has strapped the blue-shirts to his back and is carrying them through another season (notice that Thornton is nowhere in sight for trophy consideration this year?). Hossa has Kovalchuk to give him support, and Crosby has Malkin to spread the offense around. Jagr? He gets Martin Straka and the last dregs of Brendan Shanahan's almost empty tank. How does a guy win 5 scoring titles, miss out on a 6th by fluke, and have only one Hart trophy? Time to fix this.

Oilers Doomed.

Smyth is out. Hemsky is out. Horcoff has returned to his AHL calibre of play. Roloson is one year closer to 50. It's over. Calgary on the other hand has put their game together, and is challenging to be among the best teams in the league. Tanguay has found his niche on both the powerplay and top line. Iginla looks like an MVP candidate again (and should come close to 50 goals/100pts). Most of all though, Kiprusoff is proving himself to be the best goalie in the league.

Mike Modano getting hitched

To Willa Ford. Nice.

Last but not least...

You just gotta love goals like this.

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