
Edge get Community Chest Card - Bank Error In Your Favour, collect 9pts and Challenge Cup win

As I sent out over e-mail, the only significant difference between Darrell's Official Week 10 stats and my unofficial ones is a 9 pt discrepency in the Edge's pts. As a result, the Edge take their Week 10 Challenge Cup game against the Personal Vendetta and jump up the Omnivore standings. Thanks to Darrell.

Not much happened last night with only two games. The Severed Heads and Highlanders are still effectively in a tie, the Bladerunners hold an early lead in thier game with the Shadowmen and the Personal Vendetta and Lost Boys both go minus for the night. Conversely the Wolves take almost 8 pts out of the evening for the best night of anyone in the pool.


  1. I keep track of the stats here at work (I have a beautiful graph tracking the teams visually over the past 4 weeks).

    Anyway, what causes the difference between Darrell's official stats and Doug's soft stats... aren't stats, well, stats? (I can see whole point variance based on missed penalty minutes, or over-looked assists, but it's the tiny little number changes that confuse me)


  2. The .02, .06 differences usually have to do with goaltenders. I get my stats from CBS sportsline, which while good may be off a minute or two from the NHL stats when it comes to the number of minutes played. Rarely are those differences significant but I always "recalibrate" my stats to correspond to Darrell's official stats.

    When the differences are a whole point or even .5 of a point it usually is a mistake of mine in getting the correct TG played. I rarely get Corey's stats off, for example, because he is always dressing the same two tough guys.

    When I f*#k up big-time, as I did with Collin, it usually has to do with differences in +/- players. Playing for pts when I should have had them playing for +/- or vice-versa.

    Until I hit Collin, I was actually pretty pleased with my efforts particularly given all the changes coming out of the WD but, alas, your unofficial statsmaster still has some work to do.



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