

Ok, at Richard's request I have deleted his Lost Boys blog link on the account of it is dead.

I have also added a bunch more links to hockey-blog links in the hopes that the FUNHL blog will be ever more addictive/useful to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Though, can I suggest, an additional website hockeyindex.com ?

    Go thou, and marvel at the stats for the South China Ice Hockey league! The Japanese Ice Hockey League (Go Seibu Bears! Teach those Ikijurishi Snow Brands... [uh, I only know one way to 'brand' snow... not much of a team name there]) Read about the young up and comers in Latvia... uh, if you read Latvian.

    And my favourite: puzzle over this mysterious sport called "underwater hockey" (And let me conclude by saying this may indeed be a sign playoffs are going waaaay too late.)


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