
Best WD moments

Being unable to give authoritative punditry on how well the WD went, here's my recollection--two days later--of moments that had me laughing:

Me: "So, Kozlov, is he an RW, 21 points?"
Doug: "No he's a centre"
Cameron: "Yes: draft Kozlov; I encourage you to draft lots and lots of Islanders"
Me: "But he's got 21 points"
Brian/Bob: "That's because Yashin's not playing right now"
Me: "Still, 21 points"
Doug: "So, you're drafting Kozlov C NYI"
Me: "Wait, no, I need an R"
Cameron: "AAAAAAAAH"


Also: "Friends don't let friends draft Marchant"


And a three page debate about just who had been drafted in round 4 to wrap the draft.


Mike (I think): "The NHL has a spreadsheet?"


Me: "Bieska D Van"
Doug: "Damn, I was hoping he'd be missed"
Me: "Well, it's kind of hard to miss people when you're drafting off a spreadsheet"
Cameron: "The rook speaks truth"


Me: "I recommend the Prucha model of centre, all the quality, and half the vowels"
Cameron: "It's true, fewer vowels is a sign of quality. I was upset when Vlk wasn't drafted: he would have been a God"


Also: Parrish gets a hat-trick Saturday night. Prucha and Armstrong finally score. And ZBerg lives up to potential with a 4 point game. Maybe I was wrong to mock him as 1st pick overall. (No... no, I wasn't.)

Go Wolski, Klesla and Bieska!

Lost Boys
(More punditry I say; more punditry!)

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