
Press: Lost Boys GM admits to needing advice

Toronto--Stunning the pundits, Lost Boys GM Richard Birt announced he needed some advice before the upcoming waiver draft.

First: I have a center I want to promote in Koivu the younger. A centre doing much better than my two prospective waives, the equally impressive Richards and Conroy. So in the interest of having the best possible team, is this the best way to do the following:

1) Waive either Richards or Conroy for the WD;
2) Draft a nominal centre as my 8th Pick;
3) Promote Koivu immediately afterwards?

Now, this doesn't give me access to the points Koivu might rack up in the interim, but it does give me insight as to whether or not Richards will benefit from a purported Philly turn-around.

Is there a better way than to go ahead as planned?

(Please note, all this discussion is theoretical, I'm very open to a TRADE involving one, or both of these two centres for someone much better, in exchange FOR say Schneider or JOVANOVSKI. Someone like MATS SUNDIN, would fit the bill admirably.)

Second: Once again, members of this league are scuttling my plans to be an arch-conservative before I turn 30. I need to learn how to use Messenger before the 9th.

Could someone drop me some useful info, like their ID and when they're likely to be available so I can practice this whole "chatting" thing, and know I'm linking up with the right people before the WD, so we can avoid tech delays. In exchange I might even draft you in the 8th round.


GM Lost Boys.

1 comment:

  1. Drop and draft two pivots knowing that you can promote Koivu-the-younger whenever you want. If he isn't better than the guys you get at the WD, then you shouldn't promote him - better to have the flexability to promote or not as your needs dictate.


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